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How to create a well designed wholesale brochure


How to create a well-designed wholesale brochure

Having a well-designed trade brochure is an effective way to attract potential customers and is crucial for small businesses when showcasing their products or selling to retailers. It’s like having a storefront display, so it’s important to do it right and it does not have to be expensive.

A great trade brochure should include the following.

  • Cover page
  • Welcome Page – a bit about you, your company and your company values
  • Great imagery, lifestyle and product images
  • Trade Pricing, RRP and case size
  • Product codes and descriptions
  • Terms & Conditions – i.e. how to order, minimum order quantities, carriage payment terms etc.
  • Contact phone number and email address
  • Additional Extras
Blog how to create a brochure

Cover Page

All brochures should have a cover page which should include your logo, company name and good lifestyle images to draw the reader in.  This could be the first time they have seen your brand – so we need to make a good impression – remember it is your storefront!

There is a debate on whether brochure covers should include the season and year of publication.  Including this information can cause the brochure to become outdated quickly, resulting in wasted expenses if there are many copies left.

However, buyers tend to receive a large number of brochures and may dispose of them seasonally. They also expect a new brochure every year, so it may be more practical to print only a few hard copies and distribute digital copies to most people.

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Perfect Brochure

Once you have spent all that time and hard work creating the brochure now you have to use it !!

Create a PDF that is a suitable size to be emailed and get a few hard copy brochures printed off and then send them out to your dream list of stockists.

If all this is feeling a bit overwhelming and you’re feeling pressed for time but need to create a brochure don’t worry.  Just email us and we can connect you with our design partners at Webzang.

Pricing & Products

When designing your brochure, keep in mind that your audience may not be familiar with your product. Therefore, it’s essential to present the necessary information in a clear and easily accessible manner. Make sure that all retailers can quickly find the information they need to know.

  • Product Price – cost price and  RRP
  • Min order per design (case price)
  • Product Code
  • Product description
  • Highlight which products are NEW.  You could put them at the front of the brochure or mark them as NEW on each image.

It’s a good idea to share a draft of your brochure with a friend or family member for feedback. They can identify any confusing parts, check for typos, and suggest necessary changes to make it better before you send it out.

Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions must be included in the brochure as buyers want to know at a glance the following –

  • Minimum order
  • Cost of Carriage
  • Carriage paid amount
  • Payment terms – i.e. is it a pro forma invoice for the first order and then 30 days thereafter
  • Return policy – include a brief explanation, as you can point them to your website for a full returns policy.

Additional Extras

When designing your brochure ensure it is consistent from page to page, this helps create a professional image whilst also making your brochure easier to navigate.

If your business already has certain signature colours or even fonts you should use them in your brochure too!  Consistency helps create a brand identity that your customers will come to recognise.

When it comes to trade brochures, less is more. A good selection of products is often better than a never-ending number of designs as retailers often only purchase up to the carriage-paid amount.

Remember your brochure is a great marketing tool so include your contact details, website and social media links.

Keep the brochure simple and when designing it think about the size and weight – is it going to be A4 or A5 – A5 brochures are cheaper to send in the post provided you can keep the weight below 100g.

Now use it!

Once you have spent all that time and hard work creating the brochure now you have to use it !!

Create a PDF that is a suitable size to be emailed get, a few printed off and then send them out to your dream list of stockists – more on how to approach stockists and follow up in future blogs.


If all this is feeling a bit overwhelming and you’re feeling pressed for time but need to create a brochure don’t worry.  Just get in touch by using the button below and we can connect you with our design partners at Webzang (and if you mention Beautiful British Designs you may even get a 10% discount !)

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